Something short here about our mission, etc. These are pics I grabbed offline.
The following copy is from another UU site:
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you like to cook, consider helping prepare and serve at The Stone Soup Café. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you like to cook, consider helping prepare and serve at The Stone Soup Café. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
social justice
Religious Education
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
Due to Covid, there is no Religious Education.
Where We Teach the Seven UU Principles
1 Each person is important
2 Be kind in all you do
3 We’re free to learn together
4 We search for what is true
5 All people need a voice
6 Build a fair and peaceful world
7 We care for Earth’s lifeboat
The Six Pillars of UU Religious Education
1 UU Identity
Children develop an understanding of Unitarian Universalism and what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist;
2 Our Religious Heritage
Children develop a thorough knowledge of Jewish Christian history art, music, literature and their relationships to Unitarian Universalism;
3 World Religions
Children develop a broad appreciation of the world’s religions, especially similarities and differences with Unitarian Universalism;
4 Peace and Social Justice
Children develop an attitude of tolerance and respect for similarities and differences as well as understanding the effects of scarcity and abundance in our lives;
5 Our Interdependent Web
Children develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of our lives to the environment, each other, other people and other creatures; and
6 Our Relationships with Others
Children develop strong bonds within the church and our extended community of children, youth and adults in mutual exploration of what it means to live religiously.
For more information please contact re@uugreenfield.org or check out our additional Facebook page on religious education (R.E.) at All Souls Church.