Something short here about our mission, etc. These are pics I grabbed offline.
The following copy is from another UU site:
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you like to cook, consider helping prepare and serve at The Stone Soup Café. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you like to cook, consider helping prepare and serve at The Stone Soup Café. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
social justice
Join us for Services in the Sanctuary: Sunday, February 9, 2025, 10:30 a.m.
Speaker and Musician: Joshua Hornick
Topic: Do You See The Possibility In Me
Host: Rob Peck
Joshua Hornick is the Director of the Hornick School of Coaching. He has an active coaching and training practice. He is a Certified xChange Approach Guide (group facilitator) and trains teams in The Collaborative Way. Josh wears a lot of hats. He is connected with North Star in Sunderland, Four Rivers School in Greenfield, Happier Valley Comedy in Hadley, and Cherry Hill Cohousing in Amherst.
Rob has appeared on CBS, NBC, CNBC and was a featured presenter at Harvard
University and the Smithsonian Institute. He resides in Greenfield, but wants you to know
he lived most of his life in New Jersey… and is almost completely recovered!
This year's services and video are available on this YouTube channel:

The UU Church of the Larger Fellowship
The UU church offers an online sanctuary and other online connections called the "Church of the Larger Fellowship" or CLF. All that is required is an internet connection on your computer or phone, downloading the "Zoom" application (method used by CLF to holds weekly services), and registering with CLF online.
Services are available on Sundays at 8:00 pm (EST)
The link below will connect you to the Church of the Larger Fellowship page. Select the Worship catagory and you access the page where there is information on how to register, download "Zoom", and participate in the weekly online services. This CLF site also has other information links like "Quest For Meaning" and "Family Quest" which have many other resources for your spiritual journey.