Something short here about our mission, etc. These are pics I grabbed offline.
The following copy is from another UU site:
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you like to cook, consider helping prepare and serve at The Stone Soup Café. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you like to cook, consider helping prepare and serve at The Stone Soup Café. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
Committees and teams are where much of the work of All Souls gets done, and there are lots of ways to get involved at All Souls. If you're interested in our beautiful old building, you could join the Building & Grounds committee. If you have financial expertise, a green thumb, or a desire to work for justice, there’s a committee for you!
social justice
Social Justice

Social justice is one of the cornerstones of our congregation. Our Social Justice Committee invites outside speakers to offer sermons on social justice topics several Sundays each year. Often workshops are held afterward related to the sermon topic.
We vote annually as a congregation to choose a social justice theme for the year.
All Souls Social Justice Committee meets at 12:00 noon, every second Sunday
of the month. The Social Justice Committee has a long history at All Souls
UU Church of Greenfield. The Committee has sponsored an Anti-Racism Film
Festival for the last 18 years. The Festival offers three films each year which address some aspect of racism and includes a facilitated discussion after each film.
The All Souls Social Justice Committee honored Molly Chambers, Pam Kelly and Bill Ashley with awards for their longstanding collaborative efforts in our community on November 5, 2023
Molly Chambers and the Social Justice Committee have organized the annual Anti-racism Film Festival for 20 years. We screen current films that address some aspect of racism followed by a facilitated discussion. This free accessible event usually attracts over 50 people and will be held on Sunday May 5, 2024.
Pam Kelly, an All Souls champion, has worked statewide organizing UU congregations for over 25 years, with a focus on economic justice and climate change. Former CEO of national UUs for a Just Economic Community, she focused on state public policy and recently MA climate change solutions, such as the use of statewide Green Banks; making residential net-zero housing affordable (like her own!); and MA legislation to enable commercial PACE to finance green apartment rehabs. On the Board of Nolumbeka Project she helped develop pollinator protection programs for Franklin Co.schools and is currently deeply engaged in essential advocacy for effective sequestration of carbon by trees and plants.
Another All Souls activist, Bill Ashley, has supported the placement of solar panels on newly built Habitat for Humanity homes in Franklin and Hampshire Counties. Another ambitious project he started last year was to write to certain municipalities in our county offering to sponsor solar panels. So far Warwick, Greenfield, Wendell, Rowe, and Buckland have accepted his offer. Bill hopes that other donors will follow suit to lessen the use of fossil fuels by sponsoring solar arrays for low-income towns. He drives an all-electric Chevy Bolt and is working with the Social Justice Committee to set up a local Electric Vehicle event.
The Greenfield community probably knows All Souls as the home of Stone Soup Cafe. We are proud of this pay-what-you-can Saturday meal offering and free store that has grown into a separate non-profit organization, still housed in our building. Kirsten Johl Levitt is the executive director of Stone Soup, a leader at All Souls, and honored as Greenfield’s 2023 Citizen of the Year.
As we UUs work towards Anti Racism, Climate Justice and Food Insecurity our belief in the inherent worth and dignity of all beings inspire us. We are a faith of Hope, with our sleeves rolled up.
Ellen Blanchette and Molly Chambers, Co-Chairs